Kayan Mentarang Borneo
Kayan Mentarang National Park covers an area of about 1,500,000 ha and is located in the far interior of North Kalimantan province. The park has the largest block of untouched jungle left in Borneo, with an wealth of flora and fauna of numerous animal species hide in the rain forest which only can be found at Kalimantan, including many species that are endemic to the Bornean mountain bioregion. Half of the Kayan Mentarang Reserve consists species of dipterocarp lowland and hill forest while cloud mountain forest at Kayan Mentarang covers 40 percent with mountain up to more then 2,000 m. above sea level.
The Kayan Mentarang park is inhabitated by several thousand Dayak and Punan people who live from shifting cultivation and rice farming. Wildlife is hard to see due to hunting by native Dayaks.
Kayan Mentarang National Park is very remote and only accessible by public flights on the Samarinda-Long Ampung and Tarakan-Long Bawan routes, or by public riverboats following the Tarakan-Tanjung Selor-Long Pujungan route. To access the southern part of the Park, visitors can fly from Samarinda or Malinau to Long Ampung. From Long Ampung head for Data Dian (an approx. 5 hour journey on 13 HP boat engines). Since fuel is expensive, visitors with time can get around half the price when asking for a lift with the locals who go or are on the way to Data Dian.MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) has chartered flights, However, Also some airlines services the route to Long Ampung either Long Bawan, due of the short air-strips, small cesna planes with limited seats require advanced booking (minimum 1 month before departing date), and all airlines reserve the authority to prioritize seats for local citizens from the Park, tourist visitors often find themselves stranded even after numerous seat reconfirmations. It is good to bring luggage less than 10 kg in weight when flying these routes as the limits of each persons weight - including luggage is 80 kg. This makes it more flexible to secure a seat on board on last minute seat availability. MAF puts even more restrictions on luggage weight (up to 10 kg/person) on regular flights unless chartered.
There is no official accommodation, but it is possible to stay in the many Dayak settlements inside the park.
Tour Destination :
Indonesia, North Kalimantan, Kayan River, Krayan, Apokayan
Main Interest & Things to do :
Jungle trek, and exploring the Flora and Fauna which can't be found anywhere else in the world, as only in this largest National Park of Indonesia.
The Dayak Culture along the Kayan River, as in Long Alango, or Long Pujungan is Traditional Dayak Culture.
Salt Mountain plateau where Salt-making is a traditional activity in the Krayan area. The salt is founded in the salt springs and were exchange for prestige items. Krayan River, pass a rapid and visit the rock with an impressive human figure carving. Lembudud settlement a culture trip to the indigenous Dayak Lundayeh tribe.
The Apokayan is a remote located highland, which kept away loggers, miners, and tourists from the area. The Apokayan is cut off from the downstream part of the Kayan river due of rough water rapids, and therefor a dream destination for those who are adventures with patience. The highlands are inhabited by the Dayak Kenyah and Dayak Kayan Tribe well known of their vibrant art and designs of body art, including long ears, and colorful longhouses.
Recommended visit time for Kayan Mentarang Reserve and Kayan River is 5 to 10 days.
Recommended visit time for the Krayan highlands is 5 to 7 days when using a chartered flight, and 14 days or more when trek the Krayan highlands through the rainforest from the coastal line
Recommended visit time for the Apokayan is 5 to 7 days when using a chartered flight, and 12-15 days when trek to the Apokayan from the upper Mahakam River jungle
Culture :
Dayak Kenyah, Dayak Kayan, Dayak Lundayeh & Dayak Punan tribe
Flora & Fauna :
Tropical Rainforest and Wildlife
Tour Starting Point :
Balikpapan either Tarakan
Tour Transport Possibilities :
by Flight from Balikpapan to Tanjung Selor, or direct from Jakarta to Tarakan, continue by speedboat to Tanjung Selor, estimated travel by speedboat is 2 hours to reach Tanjung Selor.Crusining up with a combination of public longboats and chartered longboats to places as Long Pujungan and Long Alango
Tour Ending Point :
Balikpapan or Tarakan, from Tarakan you can cross the border via Nunukan to the City Tawau in Malaysia
Travel Distance to entry point :
900 Km from Balikpapan Airport
100 km from Tarakan Airport
Tour Duration :
Short Get Through Visit 5 to 8 Days
Accommodation & Hotels :
Local Houses, Homestay or Jungle Camp
Tour Grade :