Kutai National Park Kalimantan

In the canopy rain forest of Kutai Park in East Kalimantan you can spot truly wild orangutans during your guided tour. Travelers support and help sustain directly the preservation by a trip in to jungle land of the orangutans and other wildlife as their natural habitat in Borneo. Tours to Kutai Park provide plenty rainforest trek offers encountering genuinely wild orangutans at Kalimantan Island

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Orangutan & Wildlife Ecotours in Kutai Park

Kutai National Park as a jungle conservation area of about 200.000 hectares has a wild orangutan population of about 2000 orangutans habitating the rainforest and gives the best chance to see the wild orangutans in their habitat at Kalimantan as the Indonesian chunck of Borneo Island.

Kutai Reserve Flora & Fauna

Kutai Park is a Nature Reserve dominated by a Dipterocarp and lowland tropical rainforest and has 958 species of flora, including 8 of the worlds 9 genus of Dipterocarp family, 41 species of orchids and 220 species of medical plants. The other vegetation types include coastal mangrove forest, freshwater swamp forest and kerangas forest.The park provides habitat to 10 species of primates, 90 species of mammals and 300 species of birds. They include orangutan, Malayan sun bear, sambar deer, banteng, maroon leaf monkey, white-fronted leaf monkey, Hose leaf monkey, proboscis monkey, Bornean gibbon, clouded leopard, black flying squirrel, marbled cat, flat-headed cat, yellow-throated marten, otter civet, and smooth-coated otter.

Kutai National Park Tourist Attractions

There are three main points for tourist to visit in Kutai park. For those who wish to see orangutans, Camp Kakap with the Morio Jungle Lodge is the central place to start a hike over the jungle trails to explore wildlife.
Along the Delta of the Sangatta River tourist can experience of the mangrove forest to explore the longnose proboscis monkeys and crocodiles.
The third spot for those who wish experiencing flora, the oldest hard wooden iron tree in the world is towering the sky at the Sangkima flora preservation area of Kutai National park, is worth a visit

Join Us For a Once-In-A-Life-Time Kutai Park Orangutan wildlife Tour Kalimantan Borneo !

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