Borneo Kutai Sultanate Kingdom
Tenggarong is 39 kilometers away from Samarinda. It is the capital of the Kutai regency, and is almost two centuries old. Up to 1960, the regency was know as the special District of Kutai. The remains of the Kutai Kertanegara Kingdom are found in this town. The old palace is now the State Museum of Mulawarman.The center of the Kutai Kingdom is presumed to have been in the vicinity of Muara Kaman. Due to fear of foreign incursions, it was moved upstream , to Jembayan village. The King acting on divine advice given to him in a dream, later again moved the Kingdom seat of power, to what is now the town of Tenggarong. It has a Museum of the Sultans history and is Building a Tourism Park at the Island "Kumala" which will become a sight show of East Kalimantans wealth in Culture and Nature.
Tenggagrong Travel Information
Tour Destination :Tenggarong City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Main Interest & Activity :
Museum of wood and Sultan history
Kumala Island as a Tourism destination with Dayak Longhouse, ceremonies, Fresh water Dolphins
Erau Paray
Jump of point for Mahakam River and Dayak Culture cruise
recommended visit time is 1 or 2 days
Culture :
Dayak, Javanese, and Kutai mix
Flora & Fauna :
Rainforest with excotic tropical wildlife
Starting Point :
Balikpapan, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Tour Transport Possibilities :
by public bus or car from Balikpapan or Samarinda.
Tour Ending Point :
Balikpapan, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Travel Distance to entry point :
150 Km from Balikpapan Airport, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Tour Duration :
Short Get Through Visit 1 to 3 Days
Hotels & Accomodation :
Simple Hotels and Star Hotels
Tour Grade :