Tiong Ohang

upper mahakam river

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Tiong Ohang

Tiong Ohang is the most important village in the Long Apari district. The village population has the past decades considerably swollen to due to migration of people from the surrounding settlements. Building their houses on the other side of the river, those people till the dry field for a living. School and public health centers are available in this village.

Tiong Ohang upper Mahakam River Travel Information

Tour Destination :
Tiong Ohang & Mahakam River, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Main Interest & Tour Activities :
Traditional Dayak Culture, and exciting jungle treks are the most touristic value things to do in Tiong Ohang.
Recommended visit time is 2 to 4 days.

Culture :
Dayak Penehing, Dayak Modang, Dayak Kenyah, Dayak Bahau

Flora & Fauna :
Tropical Rainforest and Wildlife

Tour Starting Point :
Balikpapan, or Samarinda East Kalimantan

Tour Transport Possibilities :
by car or public bus to Samarinda, continue by public ferry as far as possible, then by chartered motorcanoe and longboat, cruising through the Mahakam River rapids

Tour Ending Point :
Balikpapan or cross the Muller Mountains to the Kapuas River of West Kalimantan to cruise down to Pontianak

Travel Distance to entry point :
800 Km from Balikpapan Airport

Tour Duration :
Short Get Through Visit 08 to 11 Days

Accommodation & Hotels :
Local Houses homestay, guesthouse or Jungle Camp

Tour Grade :

Join Us For a Once-In-A-Life-Time Tiong Ohang Mahakam River Tour Kalimantan Borneo Trip

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